Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Building A Sustainable Community

What is actually Sustainable Community mean about??

According to the Institute for Sustainable Communities, sustainable community define as a place where there are developing in economic, environmental, and socially healthy and resilient. For the easier understanding, sustainable communities is the place that people want to live and work for now and in the future. 

Why the definition is like that??

This is because sustainable community will manage human, natural and financial resource to meet the current need. In the same time sustainable community will ensure there are an adequate resources for our future generation. 

Is there any guideline to become a sustainable communities??

There are no standard guideline to fit the sustainable communities. But in some journal have state that sustainable communities must rely on the sustainable development element. what are the sustainable element that suit sustainable community??

1) balance and integrate the social, economic and environmental components of           their community
2) meet the needs of existing and future generations

3) respect the needs of other communities in the wider region or internationally         also to make their communities sustainable.

According to Bridger and Luloff (1999), there are 5 interrelated dimension of sustainable community. 

  1. Case with the standard economic development strategies. There are emphasis on the increasing local economic diversity. 
  2. The importance of self-reliance. Include the creation of local markets, local production and processing of previously imported goods and greater cooperation among local economic entities. 
  3. Reduction in energy use. refer to the balancing in use of energy and material with the local ecosystem's ability to absorb waste. 
  4. Protection and enhancement of biological and environmental diversity and wise stewardship of natural resources. 
  5. Sustainable communities committed to social justice. it provide for the housing and employment needs of all residents and they do so without including the class and race based spatial separation.

How to build a Sustainable Community??

Figure above shown a framework for sustainable community development by Roseland (2000). 

 Mobilizing Citizens and Their Government in the framework refer to how community participate in building a sustainable communities. They have to mobilize people to minimize the consumption of natural capital. By doing this step, we will save our environment resources for the future generation. 

beside that, sustainable community need to use the urban space efficiently to ensure the space is advocates for every communities. 

The last one is to mobilize the citizen and government to multiplying the social capital to enhance the quality of life. 

Sustainable Community Context in Malaysia

In Malaysia there are several project that apply the sustainable community. However there are not so well implement. Like example Putrajaya one of the example that have the sustainable community element. but is there the community applying the sustainable principle??

I'm sure people will have some picture in their mind when we said about Putrajaya. Putrajaya is a green city and try to develop the resident to become a green resident. however so, there are not practically practise the sustainable education in their daily life.

Project manager nowadays use the term of sustainable communities or sustainable neighbourhood in their project. However, there are not successfully being implement to the project.

Ok thats all what i get from my reading... i end my entry today with a video.. happy watching... :)

source: www.bioengineering.com

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