What is the content??
it is written on the new settlement in Edinburgh's South East, UK transform tp Plan-Led Environmentally Friendly and Sustainable Pattern of Settlement.
this proposal is written on the Lothian Structure Plan that state:
- the development of Edinburgh can no longer be accommodated within the existing boundaries of the city.
- The cramming of development in browfield sites is no longer an option for Edinburgh.
- Development by peripheral expansion around the edge of the city's green belt seen as a variable option because there are not enough browfield to develop and peripheral expansion will pressure the green belt and effect urban sprawl.
so as the problem occurs, they find some solution to overcome the issues.
- development of new 1600 hectare site at the periphery of Edinburgh and in an area of city's greenbelt known as the South East Wedge.
- Development new settlement in the South East Wedge provides the city with an opportunity on representing less than 10% of the greenbelt , the site has the capacity to accommodate 35% of Edinburgh's land use requirement, 60% of the city's population growth, 15% of additional household and 30% of future employment opportunities.
- In realising the pressure for speculative development around the edge of the city and protecting the green belt, the site provides the opportunity for Edinburgh to make sure the use of land, utilities, transportation networks and both retail and leisure services is environmentally friendly and fosters a more sustainable pattern of settlement.
There are 10 principles that have been use as a guide to build a sustainable community settlement.
- A distinctive urban culture
- A spatially compact form
- Strong landscape framework in a countryside setting
- A set of neighbourhoods
- A high density of population
- A balance of land use, economic and social structure
- An energy conscious public transportation network
- High level of infrastructure and shared service provision
- A pattern of settlement that is able to integrate existing communities with those emerging from the development
- A financial structure that is variable in the short-medium-long term horizons.
To develop the new settlement he use 3 models which is
1) NAR: Net Annual Return
- Offer an environmental assessment of the impact. This has upon the ecosystem and provides a model of how the discounting mechanism can be rehabilitated to provide a design solution producing the level of planning gain need tp make any greening of economic development variable.
2) Eco-Neighbourhood Model
- Focus on assessing the ecological footprint, biodiversity and natural capital in term of the environmental loading, level of energy consumption, waste and emissions this greening of economic development produces.
3) Transit-Oriented Settlement
- Provide a design solution which assess whether eco-neighbourhood have the environmental loading, level of energy consumption, waste and emission that are friendly because of the infrastructure required to service such high- quality living and working environment, have land markets and level of planning gain needed to be efficient in the greening economic development.
So thats all my summary about the paper..
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