Friday, 6 December 2013

traffic Impact Assessment

One of the topic in my class is TIA... What is TIA??? 

TIA stands for Traffic Impact Assessment. It is a very important tool to measure and project for future impact on transportation field. 

TIA is a specialized study of the impact of a certain type and size of development on the surrounding transportation system (Hassim, 2013)

Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) study is an important tool to determine the transportation and traffic impact of a proposed land development project. It identifies the need for any mitigation measures for a transportation system to reduce congestion, yet also maintain and improve safety.

Example of TIA Plan submission

The submission of TIA is a mandatory requirement by most local authorities in Malaysia before development could be considered for approval. 

What is the purpose of implementing TIA??
  1. To determine the impact of the proposed development and to ensure the planning of the proposed development will not create traffic problems on the surrounding existing roads.
  2. To formulated and to disperse the newly generated traffic from this proposed development
  3. To minimize the impact on the existing surrounding roads.
  4. To carry out road inventories to determine the characteristic of present road in the vicinity of the development site. This includes determining the number of lanes and layout as well as other existing traffic facilities near the development site
  5. To analyse and evaluate the existing traffic condition in order to determine the present traffic flow, composition and the period of peak hours on roads in the vicinity of the development site.
  6. To forecast the future traffic generation and attraction (i.e. development traffic) as the result of the proposed land use.
  7. To estimate the distribution and assignment of development traffic to the road network in the vicinity of the development site.
  8. To recommend effective and efficient traffic scheme that will enhance the vehicular movements to and from the proposed development as well as minimise the impact on the existing surrounding roads.
  9. To examine the potential traffic impact the proposed development might have on the existing roads in the vicinity of the development site in terms of their capacities and performances and recommend mitigation measures to accommodate any possible impacts if necessary

What will happen if there is no TIA or any other assessment before development???

The answer is...

  • Developer will easily plan any development without consider the traffic problem in future.. 
  • Government will get in trouble to fix all the traffic problems due to the new development.

Are we going to live with this situation in future???


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